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Can you add more JavaScript Jokes?

JavaScript Jokes

Here are some fun jokes related to JavaScript:

Why did the JavaScript developer go broke? Because he lost his $.change in the stock market!

Why did the JavaScript function go to therapy? Because it had too many anonymous callbacks and couldn’t handle its closure!

Why don’t JavaScript developers like nature? Because they prefer the console over the outdoors!

Why did the developer get stuck in the shower? Because the shampoo bottle said: “Lather, rinse, repeat,” and they were stuck in an infinite loop!

Why did the JavaScript developer quit their job? They couldn’t find a way to parse their problems!

What did the JavaScript developer say to their therapist? “I’m feeling NaN-sense about my career choices.”

Why did the JavaScript framework go on a diet? It had too much weight in the code!

Why did the JavaScript developer wear glasses? Because they couldn’t C#!

What’s a JavaScript developer’s favorite coffee? Java(script)!

Why did the JavaScript code go to jail? Because it was undefined and couldn’t console itself!

Feel free to share these jokes with your fellow JavaScript enthusiasts for some programming humor! Also, feel free to comment below with new ones and I will add them.

Java and JavaScript are two very different programming languages, but they often get confused with each other due to their names. Here’s a joke to illustrate this: Java is to JavaScript what car is to carpet.

What does Array(16).join(“wat” - 1) + “ Batman!” return? “NaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaNNaN Batman!”

Why do JavaScript closures like to gossip? Because they always have access to the outer scope.

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